Friday, November 18, 2011

The week in brief!

So Sunday was practically the longest working day of my life. Faced with option of "Go home now" or "Get put up in a hotel" I opted for the free night at the Hyatt Place. Lovely hotels btw. I went home Monday and after still being insanely exhausted proceeded to sleep most of it away.

Tuesday I managed to sleep through an important package delivery (grrrr....) even though I had Jimmy Johns DELIVERED so I wouldn't be out of the house when it came. Epic fail. I also hung out with a few friends, listened to This American Life (my favorite NPR radio show), and cleaned up around the house.

Wednesday I left for Miami for some additional training for work. The important part of this story is that I get almost 1700 United miles for the trip which puts me under 7k to go before I secure platinum status for next year. Sweet. Also I am staying at the Crown Plaza here in Miami. They have given us a nice little letter I would like to quote for your amusement:

[In the header they have included the logo of a different company with similar name]

Dear [Similar company name] Crew Member,

[skip some boring stuff...]

In conjunction with your team at [wrong company name again]...

[skip some more stuff] Please take note of the following arrangements for your transportation to/from the [name of training facility]:

Transfers from the hotel to the Training Center will depart promptly as below:
[note that we are in a list within a list now though I missed out on the first one.]
-7:30AM - Meet in the Hotel Lobby
-7:30AM - Meet in the Hotel Lobby
[Not sure why that is there twice or why we are randomly capitalizing things.]

[Then they go on to list pick up times for the 11th and 12th which, given I am here on the 17th and 18th, is very useful. Also they stop capitalizing the word hotel. The once again act like I work somewhere else. They THEN ask me to check out early on the 12th since they are full for the following night and want my room to be cleaned. Oh. Wait. I'm still not here til almost a week after that. My personal favorite is at the end.]

... 10% discount on all food and beverage throughout the hotel (does not include alcoholic beverages)... just let us know you are with [wrong company AGAIN] and will happily apply the generous discount...

... Sincerely,


It is unsigned by the way. They are generous AND modest. The breakfast AFTER discount for a continental spread is $13.50. I can't imagine why I would want to miss that! I took the liberty of editing it (I removed the names... except the name of the tacky hotel...)

ANYWAY Thursday I had my first training day which was long but fairly exciting. I also discovered I am going on a trip next week that will get me the last 7k to platinum for United! WOOO! Marc and I promised to throw a party if we both hit platinum this year and now it will be so!

Today I will be taking my exam and doing my practicals. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Listening to you read the letter was priceless! Thank you for that...
