The secret is it is actually Saturday. Shhhh don't tell.
This week I think for now I am going to do away with the random photos. I am bored with that. The end.
At work this week I have been working with brand new employees. Two of them. They are nice and will be great and, as much as some people complain, I find working with newbies to be a breath of unjaded air. It has been lovely. Also I am working with a leader who is sort of attempting to groom me to be promoted into that position which I would quite like. Fingers crossed hoping that possibility becomes a feasibility soon.
Marc and I have been discussing remodeling and more excitingly redecorating a room in the house. I love planning those things so we have been emailing back and forth possible layouts, new furniture, ideas, etc. It will be interesting to see what happens there and I will post pictures as things progress.
Speaking of Marc I will be headed home on Monday! I convinced work not to send me home and to let me galavant around Europe instead. After a very frustrating morning in which Marc saved the day and did it for me I am not booked on a flight for Monday evening. The nice thing is I will have all day to explore a quaint little city in Poland before heading off.
As it stands I only need a little over 9500 frequent flier miles before the end of the year to hit platinum on star alliance for next year. This may seem trite HOWEVER I am a pretentious ass about my airline status. Marc has already hit his platinum (on a different carrier) for next year and if I hit platinum as well we are going to have a platinum party to celebrate our snobbery. Maybe we will buy some shrubbery and paint it blonde. Something like that anyway. The point is my flights from Poland will count toward the 9500 I still need so YAY. Probably more like 8k to go woo! Thanks Marc :)
A little bit of time this week has gone into planning this years Thanksgiving with my family. Marc and I will be hosting it in Chicago and the folks and siblings will be coming to visit. Because of my schedule we will be doing it a week late. We also don't do a traditional Thanksgiving meal (though this year there will actually be turkey...). We are doing a sort of low gourmet potluck. This way everyone can be involved AND we still get a nice meal. I will post the menu closer to the date!
All of next week and into the following I will be in Amsterdam so expect an exciting recap post on Friday! As Tigger would say TTFN!
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