Friday, October 7, 2011

Recap Friday!

I love this picture because it was totally candid, at work, as I was climbing into a stretch SUV limo. There's a first time for everything you know.

It's been a rough week this week. In the begining Marc and I were having some communication issues but I think that has been totally resolved which is a relief. I, for one, sleep better at night knowing he is a happy man. Speaking of happy things, I cooked homemade mac and cheese in my slow cooker for the first time on wednesday for the both of us. It smelled so good and I threw in some turkey bacon and garlic. Nom nom nom.

It has just begun to start cooling off in Chicago and I have to say I was less than excited. For a second it looked like it was going to skip even a brief fall and go right into weather that makes it uncomfortable to wear all of my favorite fall sweaters and jackets. However during the daylight this week it has actually been very lovely and I love fall fashion so I am loving it. Can we just forget winter and skip it please? At least no snow. there is a reason that word has four letters...

I wish anyway.

I am currently rereading Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. I am currently delving into The Two Towers. I always forget how much I love these books (though from the disrepair of my nice hardbacks no one else will miss it). The metaphors he uses for everything are so fantastic.

Yesterday Marc and I drove up to Milwaukee for the night on the way home to my freinds' wedding. We had a million plans which nearly were all changed as my reliable source of information about things to do seemed to pick things that no longer exist. In the end of the night we ended up in a little divey gay bar with a mostly tragic but still enjoyable drag show.

And today we have driven up the rest of the way into Manitowoc for the wedding tomorrow. Tonight we are having dinner with my family. That being said we need to be off and off we shall go.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Communication problems? I don't know what you are talking about :P
