So a few years ago I decided I wanted to look as pleasantly built as I did when I was 19. Now I have never been big or fat so I am not saying I was trying to lose weight. I was more interested in losing a little excess fat and replacing it with a runners build. I went to the store and bought running shoes and started running a few miles everyday. I also insisted on a dietary change and started restricting my carnivorous meal choices to once per week except on special occasions.
The first two weeks or so without meat were hell. Since I am out with my coworkers for meals a lot and they have not restricted their diets accordingly I was eating salads and wraps and they were having fried chicken. Jerks. This is the moment where in my head I am starting to rationalize the skin is more breading than skin so its probably fair game right? No no no must be strong. 19 year old working out everyday body. I persevered.
After that it really was not bad. I also began feeling much better on a day to day basis. I was in better moods and I had more energy. I still got my weekly meat fix. All was right in the world. Almost.
I started dating a foodie during this time. My resolve was being put to the test. We would go to these amazing restaurants with tantalizing meat filled dishes. If for no other reason than I had never been in these restaurants before I started ordering meat more regularly again. Then I got a new job which required a lot of international travel. Produce is not generally a good thing to try to carry through customs and when I was there for a very short bursts it became in convenient to get to the grocery store for one day in *insert random worldly place here*.
Even now that I am no longer with the foodie that habit has sort of struggled to return. The reason for this blog post will now become clear. If I say that I will be resuming my limited flesh ingesting habits on here then I can be held accountable by anyone. I mean literally anyone. Well only people with some sort of access to the internet. Now when I am in a restaurant I will be crazy paranoid. Any other patron may know that I should not be eating meat. The immense possible guilt will hopefully keep me in line.
As of today I, James, am resuming my faux-veggie habits and burning the possible beginnings of a beer belly away. I will not become contented with a sub-optimal body image. If you see someone who looks like they might be me and they have meat glare at them.
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